Love the near-shoegaze-style vocals at some points. The fairly abrupt ending ties in well with the lo-fi aesthetic. This will probably be stuck in my head for days now. :) Great job!
Love the near-shoegaze-style vocals at some points. The fairly abrupt ending ties in well with the lo-fi aesthetic. This will probably be stuck in my head for days now. :) Great job!
thank you so much Christopher :)you can listen the full album here
Having the piano cut in halfway through the piece really tied everything together. Good light-and-shadow style contrast with a nice fade out ending. Made me want more.
Cool. Glad you liked. :)
I clicked on this, and then got distracted by an instant message which turned into a conversation. 5 minutes later, I realize it is still looping, and I still was enjoying it. Still have it looping as I write this. Well done.
Thank you cdr255. - Stereocrisis.
Came for the name, stayed for the awesome song structure. There is a very pronounced narrative feel going on throughout this piece, and it's great when You can do that with a ~6 minute instrumental.
Wow! Thanks a bunch, you really made my day better with your comment. I really appreciate it. I will do more in the future. :)
Awesome upbeat dance track. Really nailed that tense feeling expected of a battle theme, too.
Thanks! Much appreciated. :)
Great mix of effects, and (after listening to the entire track) I was surprised to find it was almost nine minutes long! It only felt like 4. Great job keeping an often repetitive style of music interesting. Downloaded!
thanks man! always great to get good reviews from other artists!
Very evocative arrangement, it resonated with me well. Painted with a broad brushstroke, it put forth the idea of "night" very well. Enough variation on the main ideas to keep the piece interesting, while the backbone kept things held together, and the themes developed. I enjoyed this piece a lot.
Thanks for comment! c:
Also check it out my another songs..
but I made it in different genre. so, you might not like some of them.. :P
I enjoyed this a lot. The music added a lot of emotion to the vocal clips, and the flow of the piece was very well-structured. Very nice!
Thanks for your comments! I really appreciate it and am glad you liked it! :)
Great Development to that final crescendo. Sounds like the opening to a game or show. Wish the themes could have developed more themselves, but it sounds fairly complete as is, anyway. Great Job!
I'll take your critique to heart and remember that next time I get a song going. Thanks for your thoughts!
I am Christopher Rodriguez. I am a young Harper, Tech, Game Designer, Composer, Linux User, Dungeon Master, Bassist, Programmer, Board Gamer, Guitarist, Banjo Player, Teacher, Performer, and Producer. Website at .
Age 34, Male
Marlton, New Jersey, USA
Joined on 11/6/12